Blaming Firefighters For Arson

So Yaboi Zack has been on a tear recently regarding “Anti-SJW’s” and how bad they are, really just raging about it. Finally yesterday he posted this video, titled “SJWs Don’t Value LIFE…And Anti-SJWs Don’t Value ART”:

So, sick of the recent Anti-Anti-SJW messaging I’ve seen on Twixter and other places, I left these comments underneath the video:

False moral equivalency. SJW’s don’t value human life… or art.

And I went and watched several of the people you were ranting about yesterday, like Midnight Edge, the Drinker, and Red Letter Media. Drinker did nothing but praise the movie, you grossly misrepresented what RLM said about the movie (it was not 35 minutes of attacks followed by a recommend), and even Midnight Edge spent most of the movie discussing its artistic merits before discussing its wider impact at the end.

One guy, from one channel was rabidly against the movie and Hollywood, the one who used “Woke Hollywood” again and again, and he’s always that obnoxious. You attributed his approach to everyone, which is wrong.

You’re offended to the point of anger at “Anti-SJW’s”, because (as you seem to be saying) they only see the Culture War. But you are just as dishonest about their criticism, because RLM isn’t about the Culture War at all, and never has been, and Drinker is only about it as an adjunct to honest criticism. (Can’t comment on ME, not a regular viewer.) You’ve gone and become just as reactionary as you claim they are.

Add a third part to your title: “Anti-Anti-SJW’s Don’t Value Criticism of Art.”

Anti-Anti-SJW’s are sick of critics noticing the Woke in everything, and claim “Anti-SJW’s” are at fault for calling it out. But when writers put it in nearly everything, AND BRAG ABOUT IT, it would be dishonest criticism NOT to point it out, especially when audiences don’t want to pay money for another movie that sacrifices story and drama for ideological messaging.

Ideology—any ideology, Conservative, Monarchist, Libertarian, Woke—pushed over story ruins stories. The closer stories are to the organic and honest truth about what it’s really like to be human, the better they are, the more universal they are. The more they speak to people, all people.

But so long as people make Message Fiction, honest critics MUST point it out for a review to be honest.

This division of society into different factions is an awful thing. But instead of trying to transcend the divisions (transcend the Culture War) by making honest art or making honest criticism—including noticing the Woke in modern media—Anti-Anti-SJW’s just invented a new faction to be in, and started bitterly attacking the other two factions. THIS IS NOT PROGRESS.

I prefer to make honest art and honest criticism, including reviewing old movies, focusing on good movies I can recommend, and when necessary pointing out the Woke in things—by banning politics in my channel.

Hey, I’m a tiny channel, and nobody wants that kind of content, but I try to light a candle instead of cursing the darkness.

Check us out. My Furiosa review comes out on Monday (along with IF and Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes), and I will be mentioning it isn’t a girlboss movie, and that is good, not great, and that people should go see it.

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